Timothy & Brittany

Life goes on no matter what. It can be a harsh reality but in the middle of all the craziness, when you stop to cherish each moment, it will bless you with an amazing miracle.

Life. Precious new, innocent life is a miracle. Timothy and Brittany are going to welcome in another precious life to their family and I was so blessed that they allowed me to capture another amazing memory for them.

They welcomed me into to their quaint home where their now spunky little one-year-old, first born, met me with one of the cutest little smolders I have ever seen.

Smiles, joy, excitement filled the house and it was infectious! Capturing special moments like these are LIFE!

Cherishing life and not taking it for granted is key and Timothy and Brittany follow this attribute. Their love for each other and their soon to be family of four emanates from them and I just couldn’t help but be affected by it.